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Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Crap Busters

We need to pull out our dusty Crap Busters, clean them up, oil them, and aim them straight toward the world as we know it right now.

In 1942 Albert Einstein gave an exam to his senior class. The following day a student came up to him and said, "Professor Einstein, you gave the same exam last year, why would you do that?"

"Yes, it was the same exam," said Einstein, "but the answers have changed."

If I had been sequestered on our property and walked outside to the abundant display of new leaves, flowers, glorious sunny days, with an occasional rainy one that makes green the countryside, I would have thought the world was sweet and delightful.

I still think so, but there is a lot of noise right now, and masks, and distancing tape on store floors. Have you been out? Are you listening to the news when I warned you to not to? 

Yesterday evening I asked the clerk at Bi-Mart if she thought the social distancing would continue after the virus scare is over.

"I hope so," she said.

OMG, I thought. That is not the way for social beings to live… or rats.

Martha Beck (my current favorite author—you know one of those that you must read everything they've written.) in her book, The Martha Beck Collection, Essays for Creating Your Right Life, Martha described a "Rat Park" ingeniously built by psychologist Bruce Alexander and his colleges. 

Alexander divided rats into two groups. For the first, he built a 200 square foot rodent paradise where they found luxurious accommodations for all their pastimes, mingling, mating, raising pups," writing letters for newspaper tabloids" (Martha's.) 

The second group was in traditional cages.  

Alexander offered both groups a choice of plain water or sugar water laced with morphine.

The rats in Paradise just said no while the caged rats were stoned out of their minds.  

What does that say about people, and fearing each other, and staying our distance, and even covering our faces with masks? Some people won't even look in your direction. That isn't normal for social beings, nor healthy. 

 This is Island Park in Springfield, Oregon where my husband and I ate our Sunday breakfast prepared by Shari’s Restaurant, and eaten by us in the car. An old couple holding hands came walking along the path. Both had sunglasses on, although the day was overcast, both wore masks, coats and rubber gloves. She took the driver's seat in the car next to ours, he climbed into the passenger seat. I'm glad they got outside for fresh air and a walk but wondered about all the covering there in the open air. Is that necessary?  

When this is over, hug, kiss, gather in groups, go out to the movies, the restaurants, socialize.

I know some might say I have my head in the sand, but even with sand in my ears, I still hear the noise. From the very beginning of this lock down, I tried to lighten up. For I know, you know, we all know that FEAR is the worst thing we can get into, and it is the most prevalent, pervasive, and natural. 

 So, we try to carry on and be happy, but in the back of our minds lurks this little voice, "They might be right."

Rather like life Insurance. We figure we need it, we resent buying it, we ought to have it, for one of us is going to die, but it pisses us off to feel the desperation.

We don't want to see the world as a dangerous place or to see it so rosy as to deny the truth. "To find the medium asks some share of wit." Wrote Cowper, "And therefore, 'tis a mark fools never hit." 

This morning I read Caz Makepeace's blog about walking in a jungle-like environment that seemed like a barren forest a few weeks ago, and she said, "You know, if Mother Nature gets the rest she deserves from this human lockdown, I'm happy to make the sacrifice for her." 

"I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower blooms." wafts through my brain.

From our back yard:

Apple blossoms
Pear blossoms

  Caz went on to say,  "There are so many theories about this Rona thing, all make me depressed. The only one I want to believe is that Mother Nature is behind it all. Only she could create something so perfect that could shut everything down to protect herself."

Way to go, Caz.

I began the day with that old crap buster fully turned on, and I wondered if we could come through this Warriors or Orphans. You have probably heard me speak of archetypes before, for they explain so clearly to me the stages we go through. Although sometimes we get stuck in one. Carole Pearson wrote of the primary six in The Hero Within. They are, The Innocent, The Orphan, The Wanderer, The Warrior, The Altruist, The Innocent (again), and finally the transformational one, The Magician.)

While the Orphan wants someone to fix their problems, and take care of them, the Warrior bursts forth, cleans up the mess, foils the enemy, and slays not a real dragon, but the imaginary one that is our foibles. 

When she lays down her sword, she becomes the Magician.

Thoughts of Warriors came rushing into my brain: 

 "You know for every oil spill, there are hundreds of people out with Dial soap cleaning the sea bird feathers.".

"For everyone who goes astray, some Wayfinder comes to point to the trail."

"When the coastline is covered with litter, there are folks that clean it up and make art of it."

"When people are oppressed, there will be those to guide them through the brambles and out into the light."

"When there is injustice, the just in people rise to the occasion."

"When there is slavery, there are always folks who fight to end it."

We will get through this. We have our crap busters fully charged.

We are the Warriors.

I took these pictures some time ago fascinated that there was a heart in the middle of this candle holder filled with water my grandson put in the freezer. Last week after watching the film, "The Secret of Water," it took on new meaning.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I Sing the Turkey Electric

 "I'm waiting for take-out."

As the people have moved out of Eugene, Oregon, the turkeys have moved in. This one is waiting outside the local restaurant, The Electric Station.

"Megaphones don't automatically create wisdom or even utility. They simply make some people louder."—Seth Goden

“There is no greater divider than fear.”—Abraham

"Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride."—Anthony Bourdain

It's a little hard to think of our bodies as an amusement park right now isn't it? Being in quarantine and all, wearing masks, keeping our distance from other people, not visiting with our family, businesses closed, and a "stimulus package," that will not even pay one month's rent.

We're on house arrest.

How are you dealing with it?—scroll to the bottom to get some perspective.

Wait, read the rest of this blog first.

Yesterday I was talking about laughter and jokes, today I'm on a rant. "Make artificial diamonds," just popped onto my screen, as though I didn't have enough to rant about. Scientists can make artificial diamonds, but they can't kill a virus.

Last night when my husband showed me the drone event during the Winter Olympics, I was, at first, in awe, then I got mad. 

I got mad that people are so tech-savvy that they could produce such a spectacle as 1,500 synchronized drones producing three-dimensional dancing orbs in the sky, and we don't know how to stop a teeny tiny virus from wreaking havoc with our lives.

Or if you believe sinister thoughts, that some people are wreaking havoc with our lives.

Don’t let them.

Don’t buy into fear, and let the world condition drive you into a corner.

You are made for survival.

You are made to live in joy.

Remember why you came here. To make a difference, and to enjoy our lives. I think our lizard brains are taking over, but remember we also have a high mammalian brain. That magnificent brain that sits atop all the others can calm the lizard which would just as soon eat us as look at us. (Like a man who kissed the nose of his pet rattlesnake and it bit him.)

Regarding that scary something we are calling a virus:

I know cellular biology and physiology are complicated, but so is programming a drone display. I think the wrong people are looking into this—we need some of those savvy kids that aren't afraid to think fifth-dimensionally—whatever the heck that is.

 My ten-year-old grandson came from the computer room and asked, "What if we lived in a non-Euclidean world?"

I thought for a minute. Euclid? Well, there's Euclidean geometry; that was the extent of my knowledge. "What's a non-Euclidean world?"

"Well, he said, "take a cylinder, (I thought of a giant culvert) that looks small on the outside, but when you go inside, it looks big." (Once someone described a UFO that way.) I think a non-Euclidean world has no parallel lines. I know—this is theoretical, and right now we are dealing with a physical object—a virus, but maybe we should expand our thinking. 

Didn't John Kennedy say, "We will send a man to the moon and bring him home safely by the end of the decade?"

And those savvy engineers and mathematicians did it.

We don't want to wait a decade to solve this problem, I just know with Scientific ingenuity people accomplish great things—and if the intent is to destroy our economy, maybe we should mutiny and go back to opening our businesses, and smiling at people, and not from behind a mask.

Remember Tesla? He had some pretty outlandish ideas. Like a machine that emitted a frequency. Proponents suggest that if they match the frequency of a virus, that resonance frequency will destroy it.


A company can make a car that drives itself, that’s outlandish too.

Throw some of those tech-savvy people in with the medical researchers, and maybe they would look into some alternative forms of treatment.

Call me crazy, but look at the stores—isn't that crazy?

Someone can make a car that can drive itself, name it Tesla, and people go cuckoo. But, some of Tesla’s other ideas, like his Rife machine, because we can't understand it, are thrown away as absurd. It doesn’t have funding. It sits on the shelf.

In Tacoma Washington (1940) there was a huge suspension bridge where hundreds of cars traveled over every day. That area tends to be windy, and one day the right frequency of the wind vibrated the bridge until it collapsed. They said it was brought down by resonance frequency.

An entire bridge for heaven’s sake. Follow the link, there is great footage of a bridge swaying like rubber, and falling into the sound.

People have postulated that if a frequency could be tuned to the frequency of bacteria, cancer cells and viruses it would destroy them.

Worth looking into I’d say.

Over the years I have heard of a Rife machine. (Based on Tesla’s theories.) Conventional wisdom brushes it aside. Yet some think that resonance frequency can kill viruses if they find the right frequency—there’s the rub.

Researchers spent months trying to find frequencies that worked on cancer cells. It was searching for a needle in a haystack. But what about the Enigma machine that cracked the German code in WWII?

Computers can compute at lightning speed maybe there’s some way to connect the two.  

Conventional thought poo-poos the idea that light and sound could heal the body.

So, how it is working for us??

Influenza's have killed countless of thousands over the ages, and still every year untold millions get the flu.

A coronavirus got loose and is spreading world-wide and we are trying to halt it or slow it down the best way we know. Our methods seem primitive to me.

The media is having a hay day.

Amazon is having a hay day.

I love how local businesses are coming up with creative ideas.

See, we are survivors.

The local Nutrition store, Evergreen Nutrition,  (keep reading and I’ll pass along an anti-viral herb), placed a table outside each of their two doors, like a counter. You go to the counter order your supplement and they bring it to you.

Restaurants are having take-out.

They aren’t curling up and dying.

There are some shut-in’s my daughter treats who virtually never go outside—to the store occasionally, doctor’s offices once in a while. They would be safe in their cubbies, but what do they do? They watch television all day, and allow the news to program their poor brains until they believe there is a big bad scary world out there.

Oh, Global warming, we can’t be bothered thinking about that.

Election primaries are going on.


An election is coming up.

Who cares.

To take away one’s inner peace is enslavement. Remember Nelson Mandela unjustly imprisoned for 30 years? He came out a peacemaker.

Victor Frankl, imprisoned in a concentration camp came out and wrote “Man’s Search for Meaning.”

Right now, we have an opportunity to rise above, to know that while our physical body is held captive, our minds are not. Solitary confinement does weird things to a social being. Keep some connections. Know that your mind is free.  Know that you are a divine being, and that here is an opportunity to reevaluate our lives and values, and perhaps usher in a new age.

I have a thought lurking in the back of my mind, have you thought of it? There is an old ploy: Create a problem, and we'll give you the solution. Then we're heroes.

One Way to Fight Back

Specific Herbs Considered to be Virus Killers:

I received the following information from a local nutrition store Evergreen Nutrition.


This herb first came to attention during the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918-1919. More than 670,000 people in America died from this strain of flu. Lomatium grows profusely in the American west and northwest, and the native peoples there used it as a sort of panacea. The Washoe tribe in Nevada used the plant to treat members of the tribe who had fallen sick during the epidemic. There was not a single death in that tribe from influenza or its complications, although numerous natives died in other parts of the state where the root did not grow.

After that, Lomatium began to be used by physicians with astonishing success treating even the most virulent types of flu. It is a powerful tonic to the respiratory mucous membranes. It is equally a bronchial protectant, expectorant and antiseptic, cleansing the lungs. In recent times it has been used to successfully treat upper respiratory viral infections, all influenza strains, SARS (a coronavirus), and pneumonia. Renowned herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner, in his book Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections, recommends it specifically for emerging flu strains, and professes that there is nothing better for serious, debilitating flu, swine flu, avian flu, or severe pneumonia. It is a systemic antiviral, especially for upper respiratory viral infections. He recommends it combined with other herbs such as licorice (antiviral) and pleurisy (a lung tonic). Its antiviral properties have been shown to benefit Epstein-Barr, hepatitis and HIV, in addition to the respiratory viruses.

Here are three others:


Sambucus niger, the most commonly used medicinal species of elder, grows all over the world, and the parts used medicinally are, generally, the fruit and flower, although other parts of the plant have been used as well. The berries have shown good activity against influenza and other enveloped viruses, especially respiratory. Elder inhibits viral replication, binds viruses, inhibiting them from infecting host cells, and is directly virucidal (kills viruses). Elder also is anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic (induces sweating). As well, some compounds act to stimulate specific immune response. The flavonoids in elder are highly active against influenza viruses, but its other compounds have been shown to be active against a broad range of viruses, including herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis B and C, rhinoviruses, dengue, and SARS and other coronaviruses.*

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf extract, (and its attendant compounds, namely oleuropein), has shown pronounced antimicrobial activity. It is both antiviral and virucidal. It has been tested on and shown to have activity against influenza A and B, polio, parainfluenza 1 and 2, and herpes. Olive leaf extract's oleuropein appears to interfere with viral infection by directly inactivating the virus or by preventing the virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane. It can penetrate infected host cells and irreversibly inhibit viral replication. In addition, it directly stimulates phagocytosis (the "Pac-Man" activity of immune cells to fight invading pathogens). In essence, it selectively blocks an entire virus-specific system in the infected host, making it a true antiviral compound.


Sambucus niger, the most commonly used medicinal species of elder, grows all over the world, and the parts used medicinally are, generally, the fruit and flower, although other parts of the plant have been used as well. The berries have shown good activity against influenza and other enveloped viruses, especially respiratory. Elder inhibits viral replication, binds viruses, inhibiting them from infecting host cells, and is directly virucidal (kills viruses). Elder also is anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic (induces sweating). As well, some compounds act to stimulate specific immune response. The flavonoids in elder are highly active against influenza viruses, but its other compounds have been shown to be active against a broad range of viruses, including herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis B and C, rhinoviruses, dengue, and SARS and other coronaviruses.*

To get some perspective on this flu season:

In 2018, 80,000 died of the flu. (The highest in 40 years, and there was virtually no talk of it.)

From October 1, 2019-April 4, 2020, there were 24,000-62,000 flu deaths.

Have you gotten cabin fever yet?

Stay connected, we can help each other.

I appreciate you,


Don’t ask what can go wrong. Ask what can go right.

I didn’t think I was a procrastinator, but I learned differently with this book preparation. And I’ve spent ten-million hours on that cover, not that I didn’t like it, but I was working with a small image that I had to blow up to read my text, and then lower the size to change anything. And it kept bobbing around on me. I still wonder where it will be cut, and if I have the text within the bleed lines. 

We’ll see. 

I can always do it again.

The front cover was easy. It was the back that needed resizing. People who read only the ebook will never see the back. But wait, I can show it to you. 
Steven Pressfield, in his book The War of Art, wrote the entire thing on Resistance, which can be called procrastination. I’ve run the gauntlet.

Pressfield wrote: 

“When Kristna instructed Arjuna that we have a right to our labor but not to the fruits of our labor, he was counseling the warrior to art territorially, not hierarchically. We must do our work for its own sake, not for future or attention or applause.”

Forty years in the making. Somehow it was vital for me to write Where the Birds of Eden Sing. It’s such fun slapping paint on canvas, or writing a first draft. Now a few dozed drafts later…Oh, you mean I should show it to somebody? 

It’s time to see if my birds can fly.

Is that what a mother bird feels when she pushes her fragile little baby out of the nest? Or does she know without a doubt that her exquisite baby can fly?

Coming Soon:

Where the Birds of Eden Sing.

Oh, I just had a thought,what will I do once this book is carved in stone?

To see the cover and a brief description please click here. 

Or see the top menu "Book coming soon."