
Showing posts with label Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Service. Show all posts

Monday, July 31, 2023

Tuesday August 1, 2023


“For in the last analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

--John F. Kennedy



How are you doing?

While taking down the search engine from our Real Estate Site, I finally got a fire in my belly.


You see, I am a reluctant Real Estate Agent. I'm a writer. I want to write. I'm not a salesperson. 


But I'm into service.  


And so, I began writing a Newsletter. In the middle of it, I decided to call our Mortgage lender, the initial one, not the one who has services our loan now. That loan moves through lenders as though playing musical chairs. However, the initial lender is friendly and Simpatico.


I knew there was down payment help, but I needed to figure out where to find it. Cavalry in the form of one horseless Mortgage Lender to the rescue. He dumped so much in my head some didn’t stick, but his email came shortly after. Bless his heart.


I got excited. And wrote,


I'm here to give out information and to help people. I don't want potential clients to look at me and think I only want a commission. That would be nice, but first comes service.


So, I am not blogging on Vibrance Real Estate LLC, and I know that real Estate talk can be dull for people not into it. I'm going to have fun. After all, a Pink Flamingo on your sign and business card tells the world you aren't running with hyenas.


When the lovely flamingo calls to you, you are called to celebrate life's beauty, romance, and fun. The flamingo reminds you to not get too caught up in life's day-to-day responsibilities at the expense of feeling joy and recognizing the finer things in life. Flamingos are famed for their pizzazz, grace, balance, and harmony. They are highly vocal, and their idea is that the more, the merrier. 


So, add your voice to the gathering; The Flamboyance Newsletter will appear on on the first of each month. Except for this first one. The second installment will be next Tuesday.


We’d be tickled pink to have you join the gathering. No sign in, no fee, just information.  


Lend your voice, and we'll see where it goes.