I got this on the trail: The universe doesn’t know the difference between a penny and a million bucks.
I can hear you…don’t go there.
We will explore this concept later on…
For now, the second video is up, and you know what joined us?

Dogwoods. Exquisite blossoms right beside the trail. Who would have thought? I probably will never again find the road I took that day. There is a web of logging roads in that vicinity. I took a wrong turn on the way home and ended up in a blackberry patch.
Poor truck.
But, as I have told my grandson, “I’ve never been permanently lost.”
But I got the video. Jewell’s Happy Trails #2 – YouTube
Rob Breszny, who writes for The Eugene Weekly under “Free will Astrology,” expressed this week exactly what I am going through. I like him—mainly because most of the time I agree with him. Isn’t that the way it goes?
I got a kick out of this article.
“Aquarius-born August Strindberg (1849-1912) was a masterful and influential playwright. He also liked to dabble in painting and photography. His approach to the two fields was different.”
While he was a polished writer, he would always be an amateur at the visual arts,” he said, “And I intend to stay that way. I reject all forms of professional cleverness or virtuosity.”
“Just for now, Aquarius,” wrote Breszny, “I recommend you experiment with the latter attitude in your own field.”
I’m doing it.
In walking my trails, videoing them, and placing them on YouTube. I’m exposing myself as a rank amateur.
I need the walks, and I figured many of you need a breather, So, come hang out with me. We’ll explore the trail, and I’ll babble, or turn down your volume and be with nature. It would be nice to have a conversation instead of a monologue, but you weren’t there.
Hang in with me.
Maybe I’ll get the gist of YouTube videos—like turn my camera sideways, or make shorter ones.
My purpose of these walks was to talk my walk, and put out my take on The Law of Attraction. The term The Law of Attraction, might annoy the heck out of some, and attract others. Putting out subjects is like sifting through the sand for shells. Some people want to collect shells or use them in their art. Others will use the sand for playing, building castles, or melting it down for glass.
Both are artists.
You see, I believe everyone is an artist. They just express themselves differently.
I have a friend who sews so beautifully that you can’t tell her work from the professionals, but she doesn’t think she is an artist. Pfff.
In Seth Godin’s blog recently–he writes daily, so it’s hard to keep up with him—this time he wrote about the benefit of the doubt.
“The benefit of the doubt is what happens when instead of being skeptical, we’re inclined to believe.”
Godin says, “We grant the benefit of the doubt to the big man on campus, the homecoming queen, the tall person, the celebrity, the person who apparently has amassed a lot of money, the one who fits our cultural mores, the male, the white person, the conventionally pretty one, the conventionally abled one, the popular one. But it also might be the class cut-up, the insurgent or the renegade.”
Yet there are others…
There is so much rabble it is hard to tell fact from fiction. I am encouraging people to follow that still small voice that lives within. It’s our internal guidance system. Unless we have completely put aside our rational mind we know when something rings true.
From my horse-training days, I remember Pat Parelli saying to never call your horse a derogatory name, for it builds barriers instead of bridges.
Now, wouldn’t that also apply to people?
For a moment, I step out of time. I go to the forest and walk a trail. I smell the sweet fragrance that seeps from the trees and the ground cover, and the brush alongside the trail.
And I come home refreshed.
That’s my wish for you.
P.S. I have a novel now on Amazon.com. Kindle and paperback. I’m entering a contest, so I needed both. It’s a big deal for me, for I have spent the last week formatting the paperback. It finally worked. I figure if people buy the book they would want a Kindle version, but rules are rules. If I sell a paperback I would make the whole sum of 89 cents. Cool. All I need is to sell a million copies. Hee hee.
The Girl on the Pier by jewell d
Joyce’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/JoyceDavis0001/videos
Subscribe to my You tube Channel and I will love you up one side and down the other.