Showing posts with label story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

Thank you. Now Stand Up.

Hello all you wonderful people,

First, let's do chapter 47 "Stand Up" from Your Story Matters:




Stand Up!

Joseph McClendon III presented one day at a three-day Tony Robbins event in San Jose, California. While urging us to believe we rocked, he suggested that when we approach an automatic door where the two doors part like a theater curtain, we stand in the open entrance, blow kisses, and bow.

 One day, McClendon walked up to a grocery store's automatic doors with his 2-year-old son holding his finger (You know how little two-year-olds can hold you by the finger?). As they approached the doors, he felt his son pull away.

 The little boy stood before the doors, waved his arms like a magician, and stood, arms spread and a big smile on his face.

 There was a Starbucks Coffee shop inside the doors, and upon seeing the little boy standing like a composer who had just conducted the Philharmonic orchestra, the people inside applauded.

For years, I resisted attending one of Tony Robbin’s seminars. However, I was a fan, as was Lisa's boyfriend in San Diego, who, long ago, carefully copied 12 cassette tapes from one of Tony's seminars and gave them to me.  

I had read Tony's book Awaken the Giant Within and thought he had much to offer. Still, I resisted. "When someone gives a workshop on walking on water instead of fire, I will attend," I said. And I had seen a teacher suffer nasty burns from a fire-walk experience. However, it was not one of Tony's. It was a wanna-be's.

But after watching his documentary " I Am Not Your Guru" on Netflix, I bought a ticket to San Jose and jumped aboard.

 "Sit slumped over, head down, with a scowl on your face. Now sit up straight with a big stupid grin on your face."

Doesn't that feel better?

There are a million beautiful states of being, but to think you can be happy all the time is ludicrous. 

 These are some of the things I remember from Tony's event:

We have a two-million-year-old brain (evolutionarily speaking) that is wired to look for saber-toothed tigers. If we find no tigers, our beautiful brain looks for something else to scare us.

 It "thinks' it is protecting us.

So, in mastering life, we learn to control our brain instead of letting it control us. The idea is to notice the fearful thought that once protected us but is no longer helpful, let it enter our brain, and roll right on past.

 I've attended channelers and consciousness-raising groups that were something akin to EST. Taboo language is fine with me. I love it when someone goes full out. It is like Barbra Streisand singing "Don't Rain on my Parade."

Tony says we use softeners in our language. After reading the book Taboo Language, Tony uses Adult Language to jolt, emphasize, and jar people out of their present state. That bothers some people, although he states upfront that adult language will be used. (Hey folks, have you never seen a movie?)

 Why do we suppose that affirmations and presentations such as The Secret, which everybody went cuckoo over, only work sometimes?

I know it takes more than positive thinking or wishing. However, I must admit that having a positive attitude is better than the opposite.

The trick is that whatever you put out, affirm, focus on, or pray for must be done in a peak state. (Perhaps desperation works, too, for that is highly emotional.) I've heard that focus and affirmations must be done with emotion; many gurus tell us that, but few pump us up like Robbins.

 So, do whatever it takes to put yourself in a peak state before you ask for your heart's desire. Music, walks in nature, whatever floats your boat.

 And remember to give thanks. Live in an aura of Gratitude.

 "Stand Up!"

 "Stand Up!" was Joseph Mc Clendon III's battle cry. Tony gave the stage to McClendon on the second day of his event, for Tony must rest his voice. I loved McClendon.

 "Sit down."

 Now, stand up!  

Swing your hips. It gets the blood racing, and as you know, your lymph system does not have a pump; it relies on your body's movement. Rotating your hips is one of the best ways. 

 I understand you didn't pick up this book thinking it was a successful course or How to Become Enlightened. I don't know how, but I will work toward that end. 

 Sit down.

 Now, Stand Up!

 We never knew when Joseph was going to yell that. 

Be Rocky. Pump those arms in the air. Do the Hula.

Okay, sit down.

 I have listened to or read enough books on success to know that first, you must Believe you can do it. Second, you must have an intense hunger for it. Third, you must take action.

 Robbins added a fourth aspect, "Change Your Physiology."


I bet one time you got something you wanted but still felt empty. "Is that all there is?" you ask. It's like the Christmas let down. You have heard of movie stars who had fame, fortune, and the esteem of their peers, and yet they killed themselves. If you achieve a goal that gives you no pleasure, it is a hollow victory.

 Let it in. 

 One night, Mc Clendon came home around midnight after a seminar and was fiddling with his keys trying to get into the house when he heard his answering machine come on. (Remember those?)

 It was his sister. Her hysterical voice came over the answering machine, "Momma's in the hospital."

 He ran to the phone and called her back, but she had already left. So, he got in the car and drove the 180 miles to the hospital in Los Angeles.

 When he got there, his sister was holding her baby and crying. 

 Momma was in surgery.

 When the doctor came in, he was solemn. His mother had cancer. They removed part of a tumor but left the other part in for removing it would kill her. The doctor told Mc Clendon his mother had "Two months to live."

 Mc Clendon thought of something Deepak Chopra had said. "If a doctor tells a patient they have two months to live, they will be dead in two months."

 McClendon told the doctor. "Don't tell her."

 "But I have to."

 "No, you don't. You can tell my mother she has cancer, but do not tell her she has two months to live."

 "I must."

 "No, you don't."

 Back and forth they went with the sister and baby crying.

 Mc Clendon grabbed the doctor's shirt and said, "Don't tell her!"

 "I'll call security."

 McClendon knew about an LA. Police pat down, and he was a black man in LA.

 He released his hold.

As he was leaving, Mc Clendon said under his breath, "If you tell her I'm breaking your back."

 Security did come, but they only said, "I know this is a difficult time, but do not threaten the doctor."

So, Mc Clendon wondered what to do—get to Momma before the doctor. Remembering what Norman Cousins did to heal himself, he ran out and bought a VCR and a pile of funny movies.

He ran to the room where Momma was still unconscious and discovered she had a roommate. He asked his sister to leave, turned to the other woman, and said, "Things are going to be happening around here; you can either stay or move to another room."

Timidly and rather inquisitive, the lady answered, "I'm staying."

McClendon stayed in the hospital with his mother for two weeks. When the doctor came in, he took up his stance—glaring with arms folded.

 The doctor never told her.

 Mc Clendon and his mother laughed over the movies, with her holding her incision, saying, "Oh, stop, stop," and laughing.

She lived for another 11 years.

Now go back and scan over this again and stand up when I yell. "Stand up," and you will feel much better. 

 "Act as though your prayers have already been answered."—Tony Robbins


To save the people who have already read chapter 46, "Fleeing the Island," I have skipped it. To read Chapter 46  please go to

And now for a little commentary:


When we lived in Hawaii, we visited Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau the “City of Refuge.” In ancient times there were many infractions punishable by death, like stepping into the shadow of a monarch, or being a fallen warrior. However, there was a life or death race. If the “lawless one” could make it to the City of Refuge, without being clubbed to death, he would be forgiven and allowed to return to his family. 

Countries now have Asylum that is similar to the City of Refuge.  Asylum means “an inviolable place or refuge.” It is a sanctuary, a safety from persecution.

(Asylum in another country was born out of the tragedies of World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust. In its aftermath, dozens of nations committed to never again slam the door on people in need of protection. The right to asylum was enshrined in 1948’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and then again in the Refugee Convention of 1951 and its 1967 Protocol.)

Apparently, the Republican Presidential nominee has confused the word “asylum,” meaning sanctuary, with” Insane asylum.” He says foreign countries are releasing inmates from Insane Asylums into our country.

Are those immigrants coming here seeking sanctuary? I don’t know, but a President should know the difference between Asylum, meaning sanctuary, and Asylum, meaning insane people released from institutions. (And how many insane asylums do those countries have anyway?)

This is emotional blackmail.

I am not particularly politically savvy, but I think a presidential candidate should be.

Does the Presidential candidate who says Hannibal Lecter is a “wonderful man know that Lector is a FICTIONAL character in a movie—a serial killer who eats people” Or is he talking about the actor who played him?  Apparently, one actor who played Lecter said he loved Trump, and Trump said, if he loves me, I love him.

A President should know that putting water on a magnet does not take away a magnetic charge. He should know that releasing an atomic bomb into a hurricane would spread radiation over the planet. He shouldn’t besmirch Haitian immigrants WITH NO EVIDENCE, saying they are eating pets because he knows that would rile people. Get that image into your head and it’s hard to get out.

A President should know that NATO is a political and military alliance of 32 countries from Europe and North America. It guarantees the freedom and security of its members through collective defense. As President, Trump didn’t know what NATO was until he walked into a NATO meeting and they explained it to him.

Watch what he says, folks. You can hear his actual words on the Internet. Don't vote for him because he is more known to you. (And not in a good way.)

Do you think he is seeking “Asylum” in the office of the the US Presidency with its “Immunity from prosecution” clause? Could that be part of the driving force in his  determination to regain the Presidency? Is his motivation to serve the people? Or is it to serve himself? Trump respects dictators. Do you think he wants to be one? Can he change the Presidential two-term limit to life so he can stay in office indefinitely, or until he dies?

Women, do you really think Trump is going to take care of you as I heard him say recently. Yeah, like how?  If a woman was impregnated by rape, would he then force her to have the child? If a fetus dies, doctors now are afraid to take it out. Since many don't respect women, what if the fetus is a girl?  

Trump makes claims but with no plan, except to maybe give Ukraine to Russia, and Israel to the Palestinians.  

Maybe you don’t like Kamala Harris—you are not dating her. You are not marrying her. She wants to preserve democracy; she is in favor of making the middle class strong. When the middle class is strong, America is strong. She wants to maintain a woman’s right to her body—not kill babies, for heaven’s sake, but for a sovereign right to choose and a doctor’s right to treat.

Harris laid out a plan. She will preserve Medicare and Social Security. She will give a tax break to the middle class. The government will provide $25,000 to first-time home buyers for a down payment. Harris will discourage price gouging with foodstuffs so we can afford to live. She will encourage the building of homes to bring prices down so people can afford to buy a house.

Look hard, and you can find corruption in many areas; we have been fighting that since American began. However, it is time to release fear in our lives and find some joy in living.

I follow Harris’s directive as a politician and as a human being:

“You do not push people down. You raise them up.”