Showing posts with label Momentum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Momentum. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Run Baby!


Keep the Momentum Going

The World is watching us

Will Democracy win?

It’s a horse race. The big one was ahead, but wait—that little filly with the heart and soul of a warrior was coming up fast.

Run, baby, our lives depend on it!

We desire to be hobble-free, to run with the wind at our backs, our foals beside us, having just been set free from the paddock and into the big, wide, wonderful world.


I’m glad to see you here,

You have probably noticed that I changed Your Story Matter's cover again.  Part of the joy of self publishing is I can do such a thing. Also I don't have to charge $18.00 a book.

I have changed Notes from Jo to Jo's Notes because I could get a dot com. 

Another website? Really, do we need another? 

Probably not, but I need a place to expound. I've been posting my book, Your Story Matters, FREE for some time now, and I miss the weekly post.  

So, let's talk.

You talk, too. Don't be shy or afraid. I will NOT use your email address if you follow me.

You know how afraid we are of declaring our political bent, afraid we might get into an argument, hurt someone's feelings, or hate that person because they think differently from us?  I've never been particularly political, but now I feel speaking up is essential. I believe our Democracy is at stake. 

We might differ in parties, but I know people WANT TO BE FREE. They want a good life for their children. They want those children to come home from school without bullet holes. People on both sides help a neighbor in need. We can debate abortion, like when is a fetus a person, or when does it have a soul, but the truth is, it's a personal choice, and there is more to Roe vs Wade than abortion. It dips into fertility situations. Without fertility intervention, I wouldn't have one of my grandsons. Banning abortion interferes with the doctor and patient having a dialogue and deciding what's best given the situation. Nobody wants to kill babies.

And nobody wants to live under the division and hatred that has plagued us for the last few years. Yelling, calling names, telling lies, what are we in the first grade?

You can hate both parties if you want, but make a conscious decision. FREEDOM OR TYRANNY WHICH? 


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